Saturday, April 21, 2012

Differences in formal eating

      The eating customs are different from one country to another. The most important differences are in the number of utensils and how to use them. In my country, for example, the utensils of formal eating consist of fork, knife, spoon, dish and bowl, but in America there are extra knives and forks. We use knife in the right hand to cut the meat, and use the fork in the left hand to handle pieces of food. Sometimes, we use hand to eat a small sandwich. In American fashion, they put the knife on the margin of plate and then pick up the cutting food by using fork in the right hand. Also, they put the glasses in the right side of the person, while we separate them in front of the person to still be careful of the waiter's movement. For these differences and multi others, I think it is very important to learn the etiquette of dining to make the matter easier and avoid the embarrassment that might happen if somebody isn’t able to use different utensils. 

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